It is important to let us know if you are a carer for one of our patients. You should also inform us if you are caring for person not on our register. This enables us to give you an important advice on your own health and well-being.
Sometimes when people are looking after someone they can get tired or frustrated and would like to know that there is someone outside the family who might understand and can help them. If we know that you are a main carer, we can offer you that help.
Not only can we take greater care of you, but we also need to know who is supporting our patients. The information you give us will be added to the notes of the person you are caring for, so we can contact you quickly in an emergency or if we have any other concerns. Also if you have concerns we know we can talk to you, as the main carer, with their permission.
To notify us that you are supporting one of our patients, please speak to one of the receptionists.
Carers Trust Heart of England’s aim is to support carers and those they
care for by providing the highest possible quality, individually tailored
care support service that improves the lives of carers, the people they
care for and their families.
We provide a “One Stop Shop” meeting the needs of carers across
Coventry and Warwickshire by providing:
• information, advice and support, in one to one situations and to
groups of carers including emotional support to help them maintain
their own health and well being
• practical and emotional support to people living with a disability,
illness or advanced age, their carers and their families enabling
people to live independently in their own homes
• training for carers both in groups or one to one in their own home, to
equip them with the skills they need to continue in their caring role
• support to Young Carers enabling them to fulfill their full potential