
Dr. Dalpatram Mistry
GMC Number: 1333949
General Practitioner
More about Dr. Dalpatram Mistry
Dr D K Mistry has been the lead partner at the practice since 1982. He graduated from Glasgow University in 1973 and decided to train as a general practitioner having tried out the specialty for two years while he was a hospital doctor.
After completing GCSE and A-levels from Kenya he studied medical education at Glasgow University and completed MBCHB course in 1973.
After doing house jobs he worked as a medical SHO for one year in Dudley West Midlands and a further two months at Markfield hospital in Leicester.
He spent four years working in various Birmingham hospitals as a registrar in hematology. During this time, he developed an interest in general practice and completed the vocational training for general practice in 1981.
In December 1981 I was appointed partner to Dr J U Shah in the current practice.
He succeeded as the senior partner in the practice in May 1982 and have been in post since that date.

Dr. Mukesh Mistry
GMC Number: 2716862
General Practitioner
More about Dr. Mukesh Mistry
Dr Mukesh Mistry BM (Soton) DRCOG DCH MRCGP MFSRH
Qualified: Bachelor of Medicine (Southampton University) 1981
Coventry GP since 1986 – Working at Paradise Medical Centre – Since 2004 working as a GP with special interest in Diabetes and Cardiovascular risk- doing community clinics with the main aim to provide an enhanced patient experience through their health related journey aiming ultimately for improved outcomes. Senior Clinical Medical Officer for Well Women Services in Coventry for 14 years in the past.
Completed 4 out of 8 modules towards a masters degree in Diabetes at Warwick University
GP trainer since 1990 and also GP appraiser since 2004

Dr. Dharmesh Patel
GMC Number: 4090681
General Practitioner

Dr. Hamid Ramezani
GMC Number: 6067887
General Practitioner
Nursing Team
Mrs. Gina Jones
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
More about Mrs. Gina Jones
Gina has been associated with the practice for over 20 years. First being attached community nurse and finishing with a post as Matron.
She has had training along the way – Graduating with Masters degree, prescriber’s course and Nurse practitioner course. Patients who have consulted her have very positive feedback report.
Mrs. Parveen Mohammed
Practice Nurse
More information Mrs. Parveen Mohammed
Born and raised in Coventry, Parveen is familiar with the local community. She studied nursing at Birmingham University . She started her career as Neonatal Intensive care nurse in Birmingham and then onto Community nursing in North and South Warwickshire. Parveen is a prescriber and intends to gain excellence in minor ailments.
Practice Team

Mr. Zafar Khan
Practice Manager
More about Mr. Zafar Khan
Zafar has overall responsibility for surgery management. He studied doctor of pharmacy at University of the Punjab – Lahore , Pakistan. His previous experience includes working as hospital and community pharmacist abroad. He has worked for over 6 years in a multinational health and beauty led pharmacy in UK as a manager before joining Paradise Medical Center.